How to Digitally Detox and Create a More Balanced Lifestyle
Hello everyone, welcome back! Today we will discuss how to take a break from social media and other platforms.
Whether you are mindlessly scrolling on Instagram or TikTok, playing video games, watching Netflix, and consuming tons of information within a short time frame, your dopamine levels can spike and you can become addicted.
Do you feel more stressed or edgy after being on your phone? Constantly overstimulated?
It can be challenging at times to break free from the constant scrolling loop.
When social media and technology are not being consumed in moderation, your daily routine and mindset become unbalanced.
The worst feeling is waking up and immediately going on your phone and then being sucked in by the internet for hours.
Technology can control us if we do not have the discipline to control our actions and behaviors.
As a society, we have all become victims of our phones and devices. However, we are the only ones that can change our habits.
We have to change our habits, no one else can do it for us. So, what type of lifestyle do you crave and desire? How will you spend your time throughout the day? How will you show up for yourself?
If we do not maintain a well-balanced schedule and daily routine, we are not setting good practices for building healthy habits.
It takes approximately 21 days to form good habits.
So if you are not consistent and keep going back to the temporary satisfaction of online consumption, you are causing more self-destruction than good.
Now, we are going to break down how to detox from technology and free ourselves from this addiction.
1. Create a Journal of Who You Are Now and Who You Want to Become
First, grab a notebook or your laptop. Then, start to reflect on yourself and brainstorm who you are in this current stage of life.
Jot down bullet points of what brings you joy, what are your dreams for the future and what you do every day. Really reflect and be descriptive.
From the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep. How do you spend your time?
How many times a day do you click on social media apps and start scrolling?
What times throughout the day are you most vulnerable to scrolling?
Or even how many times do you pick up your phone to see if someone texted you back?
Make a note of this, and try to understand why you feel you need your phone or computer.
Self-awareness is crucial for making sense of why you behave, and act in certain ways.
Every time you catch yourself wanting to click on an app, think before you act and find a healthier distraction to occupy your time.
However, not all technology or social media usage is unhealty. There are many aspects that can help motivate and inspire change, it is about being mindful of what content you choose to consume!
The final part of the journal is to create another section of the habits and routines you would embody if you were in the moment and focused on what is important for your life.
Some habits may be waking up early, having a great self-care routine, working out every day, doing yoga, reading, making money, etc.
What you need to do now is turn that into your reality.
If being on social media for 6 hours a day is not on your list, then you should cut back on your usage and listen to yourself.
These practices and behavioral changes will not show instant results, but tapping into your future self and who that person looks like should closely align with what actions you will take moving forward.
Make note to only use your devices for things that will help you be a better you. Creating a Pinterest board of your future self and future goals can be very motivating.
If you would like to follow me for inspiration, check out
2. Eliminate Being Near Your Devices
As a college student, it is challenging at times to avoid technology when all your assignments are online.
However, using technology in productive ways is beneficial.
Something that has helped me throughout the day is to designate certain times for certain activities.
My gym time, prayer time, meal time, yoga time, and more.
When deadlines are approaching and it’s time to focus, I stick to my habits of putting my phone or laptop away in my backpack or in another room, silencing certain notifications, or even finding apps to restrict my usage of social media for a certain period can be beneficial.
Another helpful method I have learned is to set a timer for completing a task. It could be 10 minutes, 25 minutes, an hour, however long it takes.
Then once the timer goes off, you get a break to do whatever you want. I would say a 10-15 minute break is best.
It is important to reward yourself too!
This helps to prepare you for when you have to focus on work and when you get to have fun.
Wasting time online when you are feeling burnout and tired can be challenging to manage, but removing distractions out of sight makes a difference.
3. Turning all Social Media and Entertainment Notifications Off
When you remove the notifications from popping up on your home screen and don’t hear a constant buzz or ding from your group chat blowing up your phone, this helps.
However, turning on certain app notifications that are there to enhance your life and help you stay on track is important.
For me, receiving notifications for when assignments are due, what time my workout classes are, and what I have upcoming on my calendar are steps in the right direction.
Another good organizational method for your apps is to display the more productive and less addictive ones on the main home screen so you are constantly viewing those first.
4. Finding Other Interests and Hobbies to Occupy Your Time
Ever since high school, I have always been someone who gets involved and wants to meet new people.
It is never too late to shift in the direction of getting to know yourself and what you enjoy.
I would recommend jotting down what fascinates you, what sparks your attention, and what you want to know more about.
Learn from others, and see how you can level up your life by defeating what you thought was impossible.
Taking risks and not being afraid to put yourself out there despite the outcome is all about life experiences.
The more involved you are, the less time you will have to scroll on social media.
I hope today’s digital detox tips serve you well, not just for the day or week, but for a permanent shift in how you show up every day.
It is hard to break addictive habits, and it is hard to challenge yourself sometimes, but we all have a choice.
So choose your hard. With peace, love, and joy.
Lauren Marie.