Tips and Tricks on Better Organization this Summer
Greetings and happy June! Today we will be diving into tips and tricks on forming better organizational practice through a few easy steps.
These tips and tricks are obtainable habits that can be implemented consistently to improve your life and can help you to be in a better space physically and mentally. Let’s get started!
1. Count Your Belongings
A good first step is to reflect on your belongings and figure out how much “stuff” takes up the space around you.
My freshman year of college, I took a consumer advertising class and as an assignment, we were supposed to count every single belonging in our dorm.
This task seemed simplistic, until it wasn’t. This challenge changed my mind.
When you realize you have more belongings than you thought, it is time to declutter! I counted all of my items. From my clothes, to my makeup products, to every single pencil in my pencil case, I counted everything.
I highly recommend this before diving into organizing. After creating a list of everything you own, highlight or circle things that are must have items.
Eveything else should fall under the “want” category. Writing down everything on paper will help categorize the items more efficiently.
From there, figure out what is worth keeping, what items you should donate or sell, and what is worth getting rid of completely.
2. Clean Your Space
The second step in developing good organizational practice is taking action!
No matter what space you’re working with, it is important to declutter and only keep objects in sight that you absolutely need!
Everything has a correct place, and so organizing drawers, closets, and containers to optimize its usage is important.
Small containers that can fit in one big drawer is an example of how you can optimize your space.
I am able to function most productively when my space is clean, clear, and minimalistic. I have learned that the fewer belongings I have, the more relaxed I feel.
Also, designating one day a week for organizing and cleaning, will turn a chore into a weekly ritual. I use Sundays as a reset day, in preparation for the week ahead, organizing all of my spaces.
A clean space is a great starting point for a good mental headspace.
No matter how others live, prioritizing your internal and external space should be the most valuable takeaway.
3. Daily To-Do List
Daily routines are a must for success!
Think about those mornings you wake up late, do not have a to-do list prepared for the day, and feel completely discombobulated.
This is a common problem many college students face, and just people in general. Poor planning can lead to a ripple effect in other areas of your life.
Creating a to-do list the night before truly keeps me on track!
A key aspect in becoming a better time manager is having a set plan. Time blocking is a great strategy in making sure you are using your time productively and intentionally. This involves setting aside specific times for your tasks, in which can help your schedule flow more smoothly.
Now that I am on summer break, it is super important for me to stick to a daily routine!
Once I am able to check everything off my list, I feel so accomplished!
Another method for highlighting your main tasks is to have 3 non-negotiable activities or chores that you must complete by the end of the day. This helps prioritize what is most important.
4. Color Code Your Wardrobe and Belongings
Color coding your pants, dresses, shirts, and even your socks can make such a difference! When every color of clothes is in one section, it is much easier to sort through.
First, take one category of clothes at a time and make piles of the different colors. Then, organize them neatly in a bin or on hangers.
Not only is color coding asethetically pleasing, each section catches your eye. Color coding can also apply for creating to-do lists.
If one list is for shopping and the other is your time blocking list, choosing different colors for each one will help you to feel even more organized.
Brainstorming and searching for inspiration online for color coding your closet or to-do list can be fun and motivating!
If I am looking for organizational ideas, I would definitely recommend Pinterest! Check out @Love, laurenmarie to see my Pinterest inspiration and current favs.
Pinterest has motivated me academically with note taking organization as well as goal setting, dorm and fashion inspo, and much more!
I hope this information covering 2024 orgnizational tips and tricks will help inspire you to be your best self and best friend, and to put these habits into action once and for all! Stay tuned for more lifestyle content!
Lauren Marie